Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Run run as fast as you can....

Historically, I am a sprinter. I mean, I haven't been in a race not say. But suffice it to say that back in highschool I loved track and field. The track part anyway: 100m sprints, 80m hurdles and 4x100 relay races were my favourite races.

When I went away to University my frosh leader was on the UW track team and he kept trying to get me to try out. I was terrified and refused. I also thought my workload would be too much.

However, since then I have dabbled in short distance running off and on. When I need to get back in shape it is always my fall back workout.

Given I never really raced longer than a 100m race, the thought of running a 5k race is purely terrifying to me! Yes, I have many friends who are marathon runners and I therefore feel ridiculous saying that I am "training" for a 5k race because it probably seems like a sprint to them...but for me, it is LONG.

A few weeks ago I was feeling gross and unmotivated. I hate working out for the sake of working out so I decided I needed a goal. After I had Layla, I did the "couch to 5K" program with keith and loved having something to work towards. We did great but I fell out of the habit of running because I had reached my weight goal and there was no reason to keep up the torture!

So the other day I decided I would train for a 10k. It was longer than I knew I could handle and a goal I needed to work up to. I knew it would motivate me. However, having never run a distance race, Keith wisely suggested I train for a 5K race first.

Before I lost my nerve, I signed up for a 5K in my area for early July. There was no turning back!!!

Normally I train on the treadmill but I decided I should do some of my training outdoors since the race won't be on a treadmill! The first day I ran outside (a week into my training schedule) I wanted to die! I was out of breath and by the time I finished I was in a pure panic! There was NO WAY I could do this race. I was exhausted and I had only done 1.5miles! I couldn't pace myself - in fact, I had no idea how to pace myself! I calculated my time and I had run an 8 minute mile - wayyyyy too fast for me! Clearly I needed help.

I contemplated doing a Running Room clinic but they are right smack in the middle of bed-time prep for the kids. So I figured if I live through this 5K and dare to do a longer race, I may have to get some assistance but it seems everyone can run a 5K so I can figure it out on my own.

The next day I had to run, I found some new music with a decent beat to try to pace myself, I got a new running skirt (oh so cute!) and I set out aiming to run no slower than a 13 minute mile - which is uber slow but I figured this should be what I aim for and then see how I do. That day I comfortably ran a 10 minute mile! MUCH better! (not fast but I was proud of it). It felt right.

The following days I aimed to maintain my comfortable 10 minute mile run because I figured on race day I would be a bit faster due to the excitement of the race. I have been running between a 9 and 10 minute mile comfortably.

Yesterday I encountered my first barrier to training - I felt sick...I mean, I felt so gross I could barely walk around the kitchen. I still don't feel great but I have to get out there and run. My race is only a month away and I really don't want to be unprepared! I didn't really know how to account for the setback (this is where a  running clinic may be useful!). So I decided that I could take yesterday off but I had to shift my running days over by one day all week. So hopefully I feel well enough tonight. I may have to aim for a slower jog though.

All in all, I have learned something about myself: I need hobbies! I need goals! I really enjoy having something to work towards. Who likes working out just to do so? Not me! I also don't have a lot of time with the kids. Yes, I know I should "make time" to work out but I prefer to spend my time with my children. So , the only time I have to myself is from 8 - 10 at night. So while that isn't enough time to do marathon training, I should be able to do at least a 10K!

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