Monday, November 1, 2010

In her own room...

We did it! Finally! Layla now sleeps/naps in her own room!

We made "the big move" from beside our bed, to her room this weekend. Keith was not happy that I took his little girl away but I tried to explain that the older she got, the harder it would be!

We set up her room nicely - it was painted green with a dragonfly wall decal on it. It is very pretty. We had to use some room darkening blinds - which were hand-me-downs, and not very pretty - but they are functional! They do a lovely job.

Setting up her video monitor was more of a challenge because we had been propping it on the side of her crib until we went to bed, then I took it down. I didn't want to leave it on her bed for obvious strangulation fears - so we had to move the bookcase closer to the bed (which seems like another hazard when she gets older - but is fine for now).

Her room was also very cold - so Keith bought a safe space heater for her room that kept it at 21 degrees last night and it was very comfortable.

The first night was rough: I was going to her over 10 times that night. She wasn't up more than normal - she feeds 2x and then the rest of the time was to put the soother in. However, when she was beside me, I could put her soother back in and fall back into bed. Now, I have to get out of bed and walk across the hall. That wakes a person up! Thankfully, my fantastic husband let me sleep in that morning and watched the kids. It was his turn to sleep-in so I was very appreciative.

Last night was much better. She got up three times: 2x to feed, once to have a soother put in. However, after her last feed at 4am, she thought it was time to party. I left her in her crib for 45 min's: during which time, she thought it was party time! She babbled and talked. Finally Keith suggested I bring her to bed with us - she loves this and sleeps great. Sure enough, she fell asleep immediately and slept until nearly 8am!

Even Noah slept in - he was up at 7:45, which is very strange for him! He is a 5am kid for sure.

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